Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cigars, Rum, and Other Tourist Swag

Cuban Regulations (Arrival):

- Gifts up to $50CUC are tax exempt

- 10 kg (22lbs) duty free medical supplies PACKED SEPARATELY.

- Not Just Tourists prepares suitcases of medical supplies which can be couriered by tourists to a clinic: www.notjusttourists.org

Cuban Regulations (Departure):

Cuban Handmade Cigars in an amount exceeding 50 units (formerly 23) not having the Official Invoice from the stored where they were purchased.

If you acquire fresh paintings and sculptures in the points where they are sold, make sure that they have the Seal which authorizes their Export or request the corresponding Permit indispensable requirement to take them out of the country.

Cuban Customs: http://www.aduana.islagrande.cu/pasajero3.htm

Canadian Regulations (Arrival):

50 cigars, 40oz/1.14 litres alcohol


One of my favourite Cuban cigar websites was put together by a fellow named Marty.
Check out: http://marty.514crew.com/cigarsmain.html
For beginner cigars, consider looking at a Montecristo #4. They're one of the best selling cigars in the world, and will only set you back a little over 100 CUC.
Fonseca Cosacos are good cigars for beginners too, and quite cheap at about 75 CUC.

Peso Cigars

They do not compare to the "export" brands. Depending where you go in Cuba, resort area or town/city, availability will vary. Look for any store and I mean ANY store that caters to Cubans (sells in CUP) and see if they have any. Don't look just for the "obvious" looking places. 25 cup/bundle, or $1.10cuc more or less.

Brands I've been able to find in Cuban stores include, Selectos, Statos, El Credito. You'll NOT find any sort of selection in Cuban stores. What they have (generally a single brand) is what you get. You'll find that as they are machine rolled you'll get some that are just right, but others in a pack are too tight and a hard smoke. But I've never felt guilty about tossing away a bad one because of the nickel price.

BTW, when returning through Canadian Customs, you declare Duty Free, your 2 boxes of "brand name" cigars and declare for duty the domestic cigars. Enjoy the look on the Custom's guy's face when you tell him the price!

Average rum prices are $3-$25, depending on quality and age.

Some brands worth trying:

Havana Club - available everywhere at various prices depending on age

Anjeo Santiago de Cuba - a very nice alternative to the Havana Club. Recent prices of 7-8.00CUC .

Caney – some consider it a much better bang-for-the-buck than Havana Club.

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